There are two key months to rethink many things (including life), to set new goals, resolutions and to start as if it were a second chance.
These months are: January and September.
For many people, January is the turning point for a general restructuring of their lives.
Buuuut, in Spain, because of the school calendar, we have the month of September very much in mind.
September is the start of school, the return to routine after our beloved summer holidays. Where we were looking forward to going back to school to see our friends, buy all the school supplies that were abundant in the aisles of all the supermarkets.
And for many of us, after finishing school and entering adulthood, we still have this month very present, seeing it as "going back to school, going back to the routine." Because yes, guys, as much as the end of the holidays hurts us, having a routine and certain guidelines gives us peace of mind.
So, let's see what materials we think are BASIC AND ESSENTIAL for this return to routine to be as pleasant and painless as possible.
Yes, the most basic and most important thing. Having your school diary , which goes from August/September to next August. Many of the diaries we have at Entropía are 17 months long, so you have room to choose between continuing with a school diary or if you prefer an annual one.
Here you are in charge, page per day, monthly, weekly or a mix. The one that best suits you for good organization.
Obviously, we don't always have to carry a huge pencil case full of cute things, but it is important to be able to carry something to write in. For example, if you only carry a diary , Midori's pencil cases with a band are ideal to put on the flap of your diary or notebook so that it doesn't take up much space.
The Midori Malla Book bands have also arrived, which are a little bigger and ideal, full of compartments to put all your things.
We've all seen the typical Muji gel pens, yes, the basic ones that write really smoothly and in really black.
We don't have Muji pens, but we do have gel ink pens that are prettier and more ergonomic. They are also equally or less expensive.
Brands like Sarasa, Kaco, Uni are the queens of writing. But don't worry, if you like colour, they also have them in every colour you can imagine and they dry quickly. You won't want to put them down, we promise.
They are nothing more and nothing less than all those beauties that we see on social media and dream of using in our daily lives and that the second we spend with that product is a little less hard.
aka: pastel highlighters, stamps, aesthetic stickers... Oh, aesthetic stickers! They are a whole world, in a future article we will talk about them in depth.